Manufacturing Consent at NYTimes

Do you read/trust the NY Times?

Spend a couple mins reading Bari Weiss’ resignation letter at:

A few excerpts:

“But Twitter has become its ultimate editor”

“Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions”

“…we can assure ourselves of job security (and clicks) by publishing our 4000th op-ed arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world”

“Rule One: Speak your mind at your own peril. Rule Two: Never risk commissioning a story that goes against the narrative. Rule Three: Never believe an editor or publisher who urges you to go against the grain.”

Noam Chomsky called this “Manufacturing Consent” .

I don’t believe the NYTimes is the only news org contending with this.

Another Epstein Cover-Up!

This is hilarious. You cannot make this stuff up.

At an art gallery in Miami, an Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan created a piece titled “Comedian”.

Yes, that is a real banana duct taped to a wall. It sold to a French collector for $120K!

  1. How do you preserve this work of art?
  2. How do you transport it?

Another artist, decides to give an “Art Performance” that he titles, “Hungry Artist”. He goes to the wall, takes the banana, and eats it! It makes it that much funnier that he kind of resembles Mr Bean.

See the video here:

But wait, there’s more…

Then some other dude takes red lipstick and writes on the wall: “Epstien didn’t kill himself”. Epstein was spelled wrong, but whatever.

Soon after, security comes by…

Another Epstein “Cover-up”

The Game Changers :: Should I go Veggie?

Last night, I info binged on The Game Changers, the documentary that advocates a plant-based diet for optimal athletic performance.

First, I watched the documentary on Netflix.

Then I watched Chris Kresser debunk many of the documentary’s claims on Joe Rogan’s podcast ( . You can read Kresser’s notes here:

Then I watched a following Joe Rogan podcast where Joe hosted James Wilks and Chris Kresser, providing Wilks an opportunity to defend his documentary’s claims (

It’s always good to listen to both sides. And God bless Joe Rogan for providing a forum where both sides have ample opportunity to make their case.

The Game Changers is very well made. It is definitely persuasive in advocating a plant-based diet. Now, they obviously cherry-picked athletes to showcase. I have to imagine that for every one they highlighted, there is a Cam Newton story to balance things out: Kresser addresses this in detail in his show notes, while also providing updates on the featured atheletes.

Based on the strength of Wilks’ rebuttles, I would not say the documentary lies or makes false claims. However, I would say that they certainly spin stories to suggest things like:

  • Dairy causes cancer
  • Meat correlates to heart disease
  • Plant-based diet has a positive impact on libido (not sure if that’s the right term to use; essentially, one guy experienced 500% more frequent erections and an increase in the strength of erections)

The gist that I took away from all this is:

  • Food and Diet is very complex and nuanced and tremendously difficult to run effective, long-term studies on.
  • Overall, your diet should consist of a large portion of plant-based foods, even if you’re omnivore.
    • And if you go omnivore, best to go with lean, grass-fed meat.
  • Whatever diet you choose, you should always be conscious to ensure you’re getting enough protein and nutrients.
  • Avoid processed foods as much as possible.
  • You should probably take a B12 supplement.

For serious athletes, you really need to be meticulous and measure everything. You can’t improve what you can’t measure. It’s all about the quantified self.

A lot of sports is mental. Confidence and mental toughness can be the difference between Champions and Chumps. If you change something, your diet for example, because of watching “The Game Changes”, then is there also a placebo effect that helps put you over the edge? Most, if not all, the athletes featured in the documentary attained their high level upon an omnivore diet.

My guess is that depending on your sport and where you’re at in your athletic career, you might want to consider timing or cycling your diet. For (random) example, maybe you’re omnivore in off-season training, but then change to vegan during the season. Or maybe you’re omnivore on practice days, but then vegan on day-before and game day.

Dunno. Try something, test, then measure. Rinse and Repeat.

Psychedelics and the Future of Mental Health

Don’t knock what you don’t know!

You cannot begin to comprehend psychedelics without the experience.

This 60-mins segment is bang on:

Michael Pollan: “It seemed so implausible to me that a single experience caused by a molecule, right, ingested in your body could transform your outlook on something as profound as death. That’s– that’s kind of amazing.”

My experiences with psilocybin (magic mushrooms) dates back to less-than-a-handful of high school and university “trips”. But I distinctly remember those experiences and they’ve had a profound impact on my perspective on life (for the better, I believe).

I fully support the research into treatment of addiction, anxiety, and depression with these treatments. I think it could be a game-changer for treating returning vets with PTSD.

I’d even go so far as to recommend therapeutic sessions to violent crime offenders before they are admitted into prison, as part of their sentence.

We all live with various levels of fear and anxiety. And our ego can be a sneaky devil at times. I’ve never performed a guided session like this with a trained psychologist, but I would be open to doing one, when it is legal, as a once-a-decade “check-up”.

We seem to be experiencing mental health challenges today and this is a treatment that we should definitely explore further.

How Romantic…

Firstly, I didn’t even know that Japan had a royal family.

Secondly, love conquers all.

Thirdly, don’t feel bad for the princess. She still receives a lump sum of money after leaving the royal family to “maintain her high standard of living”.

Kei Moriya: Big score for the little guy. Keeping the dream alive for us commoners! (to be clear, not my dream, I’m happily married!)


Is Sexual Abuse in the Church part of the Institution?

60 minutes lead story this week was about a whistleblower that came forward with evidence of sexual abuse allegations going on in the churches in Buffalo for decades and the leaders knew about the incidences, yet kept looking the other way.

I’m not religious, but clearly these leaders are serving themselves and not serving their people.

This problem seems very pervasive in Buffalo. Is it pervasive throughout other parts of the country as well? I don’t know, but my suspicion is yes. If it were just a region, then it would be easy for the Vatican to purge one region.

The fact that this has gone on for decades and that there are so many cases, makes me believe that this is institutionalized. Were they abused themselves as children in the church? Do these men then seek priesthood in order to put themselves in a position of power over kids to abuse them?

Absolutely disgusting!

Doubly so when it comes from people who are supposed to be the “holiest of holy”

Makes “Hew” say Hmm

Life After Death? (if you can afford it)

I suppose when you have millions of dollars at your time of death, there is no harm in spending $100K for a lottery ticket to be brought back to life one day.

This is a genius business model. In some regards, I think Evil Genius, but then again, who’s getting hurt? There is no con. But the current owners of the company, whom profit from this venture today, take $100K, put you in cold storage, and head to the beach? No worries about customer service or a customer complaining about bad service!

Does this fee include the revival surgery process?

Let’s say this technology does come to fruition in 50 years or 100 years. You’ve already given away your estate. You’re no longer ultra-wealthy. Are your (potentially ungrateful) great grandkids, who never knew you, going to take care of you?


Really Japan?

Japanese are so interesting. They insist on preserving their strong culture with very strict immigration policies.They’re already one of the oldest populations in the world. Their birth rates have plummeted. And now the men are preferring sex dolls over the real deal?


Good Premise, but Dangerous Means?

I am all for legalization of Marijuana. It’s long overdue. I don’t know the exact stats, but I’m sure that there are far too many folks currently incarcerated or blackballed with a criminal record because of minor marijuana charges.

But I don’t believe that a DA’s office should be allowed to do this. This is one man, single-handedly, changing the law, isn’t it? Doesn’t that set a dangerous precedence? Why doesn’t this go through the municipal or state government?

News is not News anymore; News is Business

“Mexico’s Next President Calls for An Invasion Of The US”


Mexico’s Next President Boldly Declares That Immigration To The United States Is A “Human Right”

News is business and the headline is the clickbait. In today’s polarized political environment, you cannot simply read the headlines.

I remember reading these headlines a few weeks back, before the Mexican election and thinking, “Wow, that is bold and crazy to say”.

Then I recently read a headline about how the new Mexican president-elect wanted to build his own “Southern wall” by establishing a distinct border-police force to combat illegal immigration from Central America. I thought: “How ironic”

This led me to find this seemingly more credible-neutral article on the headlines above. AMLO wasn’t telling people flood the border. He was simply saying that he will defend those who find themselves with no other option but to relocate to the United States, in wake of all the hoopla about ICE and family separation.

You have to read the full story…TWICE! Once from the a left-wing biased publication and then a second time from the right-wing bias. And maybe a third time from a neutral party, if you’re lucky enough to find one these days. :/

Then form your own opinion.

Does This End Mark Zuckerberg Chances to be President?


This Bloomberg article summarizes the scandal succinctly:

Here, in a nutshell, is the CA scandal. In 2014, Aleksandr Kogan, an academic of Russian origin at Cambridge University in the U.K., built a Facebook app that paid hundreds of thousands of users to take a psychological test. Apart from their test results, the users also shared the data of their Facebook friends with the app. Kogan sold the resulting database to CA, which Facebook considers a violation of its policies: The app was not allowed to use the data for commercial purposes. Carol Cadwalladr and Emma Graham-Harrison, writing for the U.K. publication Observer, quoted former CA employee Christopher Wylie as saying the firm “broke Facebook” on behalf of Stephen Bannon, the ideologue and manager behind the Trump campaign.

I have several internally conflicting thoughts on this. The one that bothers me the most is the political bias of Facebook executives towards Democrats. I’m NOT a Republican. I’m an Independent. I want to see fairness. But when you read things like: …it’s really disturbing.

I am a privacy advocate and I’m not. I mean, I’m sure this kind of profiling is being done anyway. Facebook just has a plethora of data on so many people that it just makes it easier. And these campaigns are using it to create targeted messages. It’s the same thing that marketers do. It’s still my vote to cast.

I suppose the big deal is that I give permission to FB by giving my info. And I give permissions to any app I install from FB. But I don’t give permission to apps that my friends install. And I know there are “friends” that install some garbage apps. But again, it’s my wallet and my vote and my decisions.

In light of all this, though, it was known that Mark Zuckerberg has been taking steps to explore a Presidential run in the future. Does this stop that in its tracks? Or does this all blow-over by the time that happens?

An Amazing Creative Tribute

I love this. I am not sure if is the first to do this kind of thing, but I’m certain that it won’t be the last. This will go viral, I’m certain. As of just now, I only see 3M views on YouTube. I just shared it to my FB profile. I imagine several others have as well and several others will from there; that’s the nature of virility.

It’s a classic song and this is not your everyday remix.